Monday, July 16, 2012

Rainy Dayz

Ohio has been experiencing quite a few rainy days recently, so I thought I would put together a little mix of what I've been listening to while driving around town in the rain.

And yes, there is ONE Lana Del Ray song in the mix.  


For anyone who knows me, I am coming off as a total hypocrite right now.  Yes, I am aware of how much I complain about her.  I mean, she always sounds like she's pouting.  And not in a sexy way, in a "oh my god your too old to be whining like that" kind of way.  But I don't care.  It's catchy.  

Kind of like the flu...

Anyways, enjoy the tunes, and be sure to catch up on all of my recent posts!  There are some pretty good ones up right now.

As always, please follow me and comment on my posts.  I'd love to hear feedback from you guys!  I'm always looking for good advice and constructive criticism.

And yes, I said constructive.  Please don't berate me for any typos or the type of font I use.


  1. Taylor, OMG, like, I can't believe you put a Lana Del Rey song on there. Hypocrite.

  2. I know, I know. Whatever. I'm not ashamed.
